You don’t have to struggle each day to hold it all together.
Being a mum is hard.
Despite the incredible gifts motherhood brings, it can be all consuming.
You spend all your time meeting the needs of everyone else that it has left you feeling so highly strung and exhausted.
You know you need to start putting yourself first, but you are so overwhelmed with life right now that self-care is just a frustrating buzz word.
I’m here to tell you that it doesn’t have to be this way. It is possible for you to wake up each day feeling vibrant, full of energy and excited about your life.
If you are ready to ditch the exhaustion and overwhelm and step into the best verson of you, my Wellbeing Mumma Program may be for you.
You’re tired of being told ‘you’re a mum – it’s normal to feel tired and exhausted. Just get used to it’.
When I first became a mum, motherhood literally chewed me up and swallowed me. I went from this confident, in control woman to a vulnerable, uncertain shell of my former self.
No one prepares you for modern day motherhood, the all-consumingness of it all.
I know what it’s like to feel lost in the ‘mum’ role and to lose a part of you that you just wish you could get back. To lose your energy and vitality to the point that things that once sparked joy, don’t anymore.
You look at other mums and wonder how they have it all together, they do yoga three times a week, make healthy, delicious, home cooked meals that their kids enjoy, they look great and have a thriving career.
Your career is probably thriving, but you’re just surviving!
You know you need to start taking better care of yourself, you’re suffering, your family are suffering, but you are so overwhelmed right now, you don’t even know where to start.
Some days are better than others, but each day is a constant struggle and you feel like your own worst enemy. You’re frustrated, you’re moody and it’s affecting the relationships with those closest to you. You just wish you could go back to those days before kids when you had the energy and motivation to do it all. Now you barely have the energy to get out of bed.
That’s why I designed the Wellbeing Mumma Program.
To give you the exact steps you need to take so you can escape the stress, overwhelm and mum-guilt and help you live life with more passion and purpose.
You are more than just a ‘mum’. You’re a woman with wants, needs, passions and desires.
Sometimes we just need someone to help us reconnect to our vision so we can live life on purpose, rather than living unconsciously on autopilot.
Now is the time to put yourself first. Not just for yourself but for your kids and your family. You deserve to be your best, for you and for them.
I know you feel blah. I know you lack motivation. I know you feel unfulfilled and stuck.
You feel like you’ve tried it all and you wonder why this time will be any different.
This time wil be different because you have the right system, the right support and the right accountability. Someone to help you cut through the overwhelm, help keep you on track and cheer on your progress.
Katrina has helped me get my life back on track and I am so grateful for having Katrina as my life coach. My eating habits have completely turned around thanks to Katrina with her knowledge, support and guidance. I have recently completed the 14 day cleanse with incredible results that have changed the way I view food and I am not even interested in junky food anymore. Thankyou so very much Katrina ~ Nat
The 8 Week Wellbeing Mumma Program was designed for busy stressed-out and overwhelmed mums who want more from life. Who want to feel healthy, vibrant and excited about life again.
We focus around 4 key pillars.
If you feel like you’re constantly craving comfort foods and you’re stuck in diet overwhelm, you’ll discover a way of eating that works for you and your whole family. We’ll work together to help you incorporate healthy, wholefoods (as well as your favourite foods) so you don’t ever have to feel deprived again.
Are you stuck in repetitive thought patterns and your inner critic is running the show? What you feed your mind is as important as what you feed your body. We’ll work together to create daily rituals and self-care practices to help you cultivate a calm and productive mindset.
Do you feel sluggish and tired? We will work together to help you reconnect to your body through movement so you can feel energised, strong and alive again.
Are you disconnected from those you love the most? We’ll work together to help you create thriving and loving relationships with your kids and your husband so you can all feel loved, supported and appreciated.
Your 8 week personalised program includes:
- 6 one hour one-on one coaching sessions
- Accountability and support to help you shift your mindset
- Access to my toolkit of mindfulness and self care practices
- Library of resources and recipes
- Deep transformation and gentle guidance to reconnect and align with your beliefs, values and life purpose
- Unlimited email support in between sessions
After 8 weeks, you will experience a transformation within yourself that will allow you to thrive in all areas of your life – your health, your relationships and career. You deserve to be the healthiest and happiest you can be!
Investment in the program is $595 or three monthly payments of $200. If you are ready to explore working together click the button below to book in for a free 1 hour discovery session.